Thursday, April 24, 2008

Personal Response 3 : Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

HFMD is an illness which amy people get infected of.I will check if he has a fever,sore throat and tonsils develop small ulcers while the hands, feet, and diaper area are affected by a rash with characteristic vesicles. This is usually a mild illness with the rash healing in 5 to 7 days. I will check if he has a fever, sore throat,ulcers in the throat, mouth and tongue, headache , a rash with vesicles on hands , feet and diaper area and a loss of appetite.Yes,Is it true that HFMD occur only among children below five as they are young and do not have personal hygiene.

Reflection 3: Friendship

I think friendship is about helping your friends.It is good to help them they might help you the next time you need help.It is important to have friends so you will not be bored.friends are your source of help.They help you in times and you help them.We can develop a friendship by having fun with the other person.You can tell them about your interests and places you like to hang is important for Singaporeans to be friendly with people of other countries as we can make friends with other races and can make some deals and you can trust in them.Yes,I enjoyed the activities during our school International Friendship Day as it really showed the culture of Singapore and other races.I enjoyed the showing of the flags as they are good.I think they should add sports as it will show the orgin of the country.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Personal Response 2 : Courtesy

I think "Courtesy" is all about helping one another, being polite,being a good student by being honest.How The Spirit Of Neighbourliness Began Among Birds impressed me the most..Even though they were enemies before , they could begin a new friendship and make friends . Yes, Everyone owns up to their own mistakes and will be honest.We should help our families by giving way to your elder and help your mother to do housework.

Reflection 2 : My Dream

My dream is to be a good squash player.I think it is very intresting and fun... I plan to realize my dream by training harder.Yes,People should have dreams as they can have something to occupy their lives with..Squash is very intresting and you will need a lot of fitness to play that sport , as you will need to run around the court..