Thursday, May 1, 2008






Reflection 4 : Food Sold in our Canteen

Yes, I eat in the school canteen.I eat in the school canteen beacause i do not pack my food from home . I will have to eat in the canteen as i have no other place to eat . My favourvite stall is stall 4 as the noodles is very nice and it is very popular. Yes . I think the food in the canteen is healthy as the food is nutrious and it is very healthy.No, i do not think it is clean as a lot of people are littering in the canteen . They could sell fruits and more nice and healthy food. Our teachers can have a nice place to eat and will not be stressed . I hope the canteen will become a nice place .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Personal Response 3 : Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

HFMD is an illness which amy people get infected of.I will check if he has a fever,sore throat and tonsils develop small ulcers while the hands, feet, and diaper area are affected by a rash with characteristic vesicles. This is usually a mild illness with the rash healing in 5 to 7 days. I will check if he has a fever, sore throat,ulcers in the throat, mouth and tongue, headache , a rash with vesicles on hands , feet and diaper area and a loss of appetite.Yes,Is it true that HFMD occur only among children below five as they are young and do not have personal hygiene.

Reflection 3: Friendship

I think friendship is about helping your friends.It is good to help them they might help you the next time you need help.It is important to have friends so you will not be bored.friends are your source of help.They help you in times and you help them.We can develop a friendship by having fun with the other person.You can tell them about your interests and places you like to hang is important for Singaporeans to be friendly with people of other countries as we can make friends with other races and can make some deals and you can trust in them.Yes,I enjoyed the activities during our school International Friendship Day as it really showed the culture of Singapore and other races.I enjoyed the showing of the flags as they are good.I think they should add sports as it will show the orgin of the country.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Personal Response 2 : Courtesy

I think "Courtesy" is all about helping one another, being polite,being a good student by being honest.How The Spirit Of Neighbourliness Began Among Birds impressed me the most..Even though they were enemies before , they could begin a new friendship and make friends . Yes, Everyone owns up to their own mistakes and will be honest.We should help our families by giving way to your elder and help your mother to do housework.

Reflection 2 : My Dream

My dream is to be a good squash player.I think it is very intresting and fun... I plan to realize my dream by training harder.Yes,People should have dreams as they can have something to occupy their lives with..Squash is very intresting and you will need a lot of fitness to play that sport , as you will need to run around the court..

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Personal Response : Racial Harmony

I think racial harmony is all about helping each other and making peace.If we think that other races are diffrent from you, a riot will break out as the malays and indians will also think that you are diffrent from them!I think Rajah is wrong,We can be of diffrent races and still make friends .We should tell them that everybody is the same and they should try to make friend.I think we should try to make more friends and organize a carnival!A carnival will help other people to make friends with other people one another.Depending on whatever race , we can still be friends. We should help each other even though the person is another race , as long as we help each other, we will make friends.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Reflection : Looking Forward

I recieved 38 for maths,41.5 for english,36 for science,37 for chinese.....I performed very badly.I felt that my grades could be better.I think my reason for the test is beacause i did not study the day before.I thinkl i dd very badly in all my subjects ...I think i will focus on my studying by concertrating on my work...

Monday, March 3, 2008

total defence day

I feel that total defence day is about helping people.Total Defence Day is commemorated on 15 February every year to mark Singapore's fall to the Japanese on 15 February 1942. It is the annual highlight of our Total Defence efforts. Total Defence comprises five aspects: Civil Defence, Military Defence, Economic Defence, Social Defence and Psychological Defence. The concept of Total Defence was first introduced in 1984 to highlight the important role that every Singaporean plays in the defence of Singapore. Whether it is a security threat such as global terrorism, or a national crisis like SARS,or hand and mouth disease, Total Defence brings together all relevant government agencies, private sector organisations and all Singaporeans in a total effort to deal with threats and challenges to Singapore's continued survival and success.

My Learning Journey

I found my learning journey very fun and very intresting.I found out that Bukit Chandu is called Opiam Hill and also called Point 226.

My science trip

I found the science centre trip very intresting.The solar eclipse looked very nice and i learnt that the moon will cover the sun totally ! I realized that it will take a very long time to occur.I am very glad i went there, i learnt a lot of stuff! I wish i could go there again !!!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hi,Happy Blogging

Hello,I am blogging!!!