Thursday, May 1, 2008






Reflection 4 : Food Sold in our Canteen

Yes, I eat in the school canteen.I eat in the school canteen beacause i do not pack my food from home . I will have to eat in the canteen as i have no other place to eat . My favourvite stall is stall 4 as the noodles is very nice and it is very popular. Yes . I think the food in the canteen is healthy as the food is nutrious and it is very healthy.No, i do not think it is clean as a lot of people are littering in the canteen . They could sell fruits and more nice and healthy food. Our teachers can have a nice place to eat and will not be stressed . I hope the canteen will become a nice place .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Personal Response 3 : Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

HFMD is an illness which amy people get infected of.I will check if he has a fever,sore throat and tonsils develop small ulcers while the hands, feet, and diaper area are affected by a rash with characteristic vesicles. This is usually a mild illness with the rash healing in 5 to 7 days. I will check if he has a fever, sore throat,ulcers in the throat, mouth and tongue, headache , a rash with vesicles on hands , feet and diaper area and a loss of appetite.Yes,Is it true that HFMD occur only among children below five as they are young and do not have personal hygiene.